Copper was one of the first metals used by man and is one of our oldest building materials, with unique properties and characteristics.
Long traditions

Copper was one of the first metals used by man and is one of our oldest building materials with exceptionally long-life – demonstrated over hundreds of years.

Realizing designs in copper

Modern architects have focused on copper as a layer covering entire surfaces in order to enhance buildings’ form and maintain material continuity.

Natural beauty

Copper is a beautiful, durable and timeless material with unique properties and performance benefits. Available in many shades of colour as well as many lively surfaces.

LocationMoscow, Russia
Year1796, finalized 2005
MaterialNordic Green
DesignerMatvey Kasakov, Mikhail Posohin
LocationHamburg, Germany
MaterialNordic Royal
DesignerTrapez Architektur
LocationHelsinki, Finland
MaterialNordic Green
DesignerLPR-architects Ltd
Uniqueness of copper
Long life-time

Copper is a beautiful, durable and timeless material with unique properties and performance benefits. There are some copper roofs which are around 350 years old.


Copper can easily be formed mechanically or by hand, on site or in the workshop, to suit virtually any three dimensional shape – including complex curves and details.

AE oxidisation and patination

When exposed to the climate, copper surface begins a natural process, which is dependent upon local environmental conditions, orientation and inclination of the surface.

LocationLinköping, Sweden
Year1408–1420, restored 1967
MaterialOriginally Standard Copper
DesignerHelgo Zettervall, Carl Hårleman
LocationMelbourne, Australia
MaterialNordic Brass
DesignerArchitects GroupGSA
LocationLondon, UK
MaterialNordic Bronze
DesignerDow Jones Architects
Copper’s environmental profile
Essential for all life

Copper is a naturally-occurring element in the environment. It is present in the earth’s crust, in oceans, lakes and rivers, from minute trace element levels through to rich mine deposits.

Recycled raw-material

All of our architectural copper products are manufactured by 100% recycled raw-material. Copper’s ability to be recycled repeatedly, without any loss in performance, is an important sustainable benefit.

Environmental aspect

Today, around 50% of Europe’s copper demand is met by recycled material. It has been estimated that at least 65% of all copper ever mined is still in use, or available for use, today, having been recycled over and over.

LocationSvalbard, Norway
MaterialNordic Standard
DesignerJarmund Vigsnæs arkitekter

100% of copper is recyclable which makes copper a perfect building material for sustainable world

Copper can be recycled over and over with no loss of quality

Nordic Copper

In addition to Nordic Blue, Nordic Green and Nordic Turquoise pre-patinated copper, other Aurubis ranges include Nordic Standard ‘mill finish’ and Nordic Brown pre-oxidized copper offering lighter or darker shades of brown determined by the thickness of the oxide layer. Aurubis copper alloys include Nordic Brass – now available pre-weathered – Nordic Bronze and the innovative Nordic Royal with a long-lasting golden colour.